Tutorial: Creating Alibaba ECS Instance

George Paw
3 min readMay 2, 2019


Tutorial: Creating Alibaba ECS Instance

Precursor to the guide JupyterHub with Kubernetes On Single Bare Metal Instance

The minimum requirement for JupyterHub configuration is as of below:

Minimum Specification
vCPU: 2 Cores
Memory: 4GiB
Disk Space: 40GB

Create your Alibaba Cloud account and login via https://account.alibabacloud.com/register/intl_register.htm

In Singapore Zone C, let’s select a General Purpose Type g5 with 2 vCPU and 8GiB of memory, using Ubuntu 18.04 with security enhancement. Leave default of Storage of 40GiB.

You will need to create a VPC for the ECS to reside in.

Name: fnb_vpc_sg_01
IPv4 CIDR Block:

Create a VSwitch for the VPC

Name: fnb_vswitch_sg_01
Zone: Singapore Zone C
CIDR Block:

Use the newly created VPC and assign public IP address, allow port 80, 443, 22 and 3389 ingress in security group.

Create a Key Pair to allow you to login, e.g. fnb_kp_sg_01

Leave Grouping as default. In preview tick agree to terms of services and create instance.

Confirm that the instance is up and running

Change the private key permission

chmod 600 fnb_kp_sg_01.pem

Login to the instance

ssh -i fnb_kp_sg_01.pem root@<internet_ip_address>

For more information, follow the official guide: https://www.alibabacloud.com/help/doc-detail/25424.htm



George Paw
George Paw

Written by George Paw

Battle-tested Engineer. Hackathon Addict. Drone Enthusiast.

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